Corporate Video


NYPPEX Private Markets Commercial

NYPPEX Private Markets is an industry leading investment group. This video was produced to promote their QMS platform. The video was meant to be used in their marketing material to be sent out to potential investors. Fall 2017

ACP Investment Group Recruitment Video

This video was produced for ACP Investment group that was aimed to be used in the companies recruitment materials. Fall 2017

Softheon Video Testimonials

These testimonials were produced at Softheon's 2017 Summit. The backdrop was placed at the rear of the conference auditorium and during breaks in the conference different clients and Softheon staff sat down for an interview. They spoke about different aspects of the Softheon platform and client experiences. This was a set with multiple lights and cameras. It was set up to make it possible to maximize the number of interviews conducted each day. These three are samples. In total a dozen of these were produced in a two day period. Spring 2017

Manhattan College HGI Center

This video was produced for the Manhattan College Holocaust, Genocide and Interfaith Center. It's an interview with Holocaust survivor Fredy Seidel. 2015

Nice People at Work Man-on-Street

This video was produced for Nice People at Work for playback at a conference in Europe. The goal of the video was to interview New Yorkers about their experience with buffering video. 2015